Fire Departments Using Social Media to Highlight Critical Issues

Social Media - Firefighter and EMS Fund

As we already know and have covered extensively, insufficient funding has caused firefighters across the country to work longer hours with fewer resources to effectively do their jobs. Outdated equipment, lack of personnel and financial resources have all contributed to the decline of fire department preparedness. 

In an effort to illustrate the need to the public, some fire departments have taken to social media to highlight the crisis in funding and resources they are experiencing. In Murrells Inlet-Garden City, South Carolina, the department has recently taken to Facebook to highlight just how hard they work to keep their community safe. Below are a few of the most recent posts shared by the department on Facebook. Anyone running a social media account for their local fire department should take notes on how the Murrells Inlet-Garden City Fire Department raises community awareness about the work they do and the challenges they face.

Social Media - Firefighter and EMS Fund

As you can see, Murrells Inlet-Garden City Fire Department is doing an excellent job of educating the public on the incredible amount of work they do on a daily basis to serve their residents. It is unfortunate, however, that fire departments have to go out of their way to highlight the very real issues they face, whether it is personnel shortages, equipment needs or overworked staff. 

If more departments would take their message directly to the public, perhaps that would help make these issues more prominent in the minds of citizens when they think about how their local governments allocate their tax dollars. We all know governments at all levels are notorious for spending our tax dollars recklessly and frivolously. That’s why it is more important than ever that fire departments take their message of insufficient funding and resources directly to the people they serve. Kudos to the Murrells Inlet-Garden City Fire Department for raising public awareness about their issues in such an effective way!

When fire departments face budget cuts, they often have to make tough choices just to get by. Here are just a few examples of how fire department budget cuts negatively impact public safety and put firefighters at heightened risk.