Name: Will New Orleans Firefighters See Funds From American Rescue Plan Act?
Description: The city of New Orleans has been forced to take out a line of credit to avoid emergency medical responder layoffs. Advocate for New Orleans firefighters now! President Biden will soon sign into law a bill to provide states with funds to offset lost tax revenue. Ensure adequate funds are allocated to emergency services to prevent future layoffs and enable the department to be staffed sufficiently so that first responders can do their jobs not only well, but safely.
Call to Action: Firefighters and EMS Fund urges the residents of New Orleans to reach out to local representatives and inquire about whether or not New Orleans firefighters will see funds from the American Rescue Plan and whether these funds will be used to keep New Orleans Firefighters working!
Name: HB 553
Description: Provides for Revenue Sharing Distribution for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 that would benifit firefighters and fire departments in the state of Lousiana.
Call to Action: Contact members of the Louisiana House Finance Commitee. Here.
How to Call, Email or Write a letter to a state representative here: Find My Legislators
New Orleans, Louisiana
News Story:
- New Orleans firefighters already feeling impact of furloughs: ‘It’s going to get worse’
- New Orleans furloughs, pay cuts impact first responders, city workers
Cost Type: Reduce personnel via furlough, unpaid days, and 10% pay cuts