"The Woodlands Professional Firefighters Association and The Unified Firefighters of The Woodlands PAC asked Firefighters and EMS Fund for strong consideration to help us succeed in our local and state political endeavors. We will be actively engaged in our upcoming local and state elections this November. Thank you Firefighters and EMS Fund for your donation, it will go a long way toward advancing our political agenda this year and comes at a very important time for us. ” – The Woodlands Professional Fire Fighters Association Read More

“Our donation received from The Fire and EMS Fund will allow us to provide financial support to our members impacted by the deadly and damaging snow and ice storm in February, as well as support the local and State elected officials that put the safety of our brave men and women first and foremost so that we may achieve our legislative goals. We truly are blessed to have been a beneficiary of The Fire and EMS Fund and their donation will solidify our success both at home and in our State Capitol”
– Erik Secrest
The Woodlands Professional Fire Fighters Association

“The staff at the Firefighters and EMS Fund are knowledgeable and experienced at working with these kinds of campaigns, and they brought a lot of unexpected resources. Furthermore, they have been immediately responsive when we needed documentation for campaign-activity reporting or when we had questions. From start to finish, the Firefighters and EMS Fund has followed through on every commitment and consistently exceeded expectations” – Mark Jung, Kirkland Battalion Chief Read More
“The Firefighters and EMS Fund was crucial to our campaign’s success with their support direction and very needed funding. They allowed us to achieve our goals in reaching our citizens to further support our fire department in promoting voter turnout for our levy. Without their support, we would not have been able to achieve our goals in supporting our fire and EMS providers.”
– Sara Walsh
Co-Chairperson of This Is Us Genoa Township PAC
Chairperson of KOPPS- Keep Our Police and Safety Services
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“We are fortunate to have found your organization. Your financial support of the PAC that was supporting our levy campaign allowed the PAC to close the financial gaps and allow the PAC to continue their campaign efforts for us. Your support and that of the PAC is crucial in campaigning for the passage of our 5-year levy efforts that will allow us to continue to provide the outstanding fire and EMS services to our residents.” – Chief Joe Ponzi, Genoa Township Read More
“On behalf of Grand Chute Professional Firefighters Local 3655, the Grand Chute Fire Department and the community of Grand Chute we would like to acknowledge your participation in the positive outcome of the 9 firefighter/paramedic referendum. Thank you for all that you have done for the community of Grand Chute as well as for every other community you have provided assistance to. We are beyond thankful and humbled at your generosity.” – Grand Chute Fire Department Local 3655 Read More
“Working with Firefighters and EMS Fund has been a pretty smooth process. Every step of the way you have had good communication. You have kept me abreast of the advertisements and followed through on your commitment. Other towns have been reaching out to us to get references. It is not only a good opportunity for us, but other departments. We were fortunate to have the Firefighters and EMS fund support our Fire Levy. Our Levy passed and we feel it was because of the extra help we had.” – Douglas Stewart, Fire Chief Read More
“Interestingly enough, historically, Saybrook Township has avoided using social media to communicate with the community. However, this time around, I felt it was an effective and inexpensive way to reach a large number of people in a short period of time. Having managed fire department social media accounts in the past I saw success with those efforts. What I did not expect, was that Firefighters and EMS Fund would find Saybrook CARES on social media and reach out to me.” – Will Anderson Read More
“I believe we have been well received, and have had the opportunity to share ideas about things we never could have or would have thought about on our own. We received financial assistance that will enable us to get the word out, to create a positive image about this levy. Quite frankly what we have received from Firefighters and EMS Fund is not something we could have done on our own.” – Chief Clifford Mason, Refugee Canyon Joint Fire District Read More

“I definitely see the value in organizations like Firefighters and EMS Fund. Other than being familiar with the organizations name, I have had no previous experiences with Firefighters and EMS Fund. Their willingness to support organizations like ours and assist us with furthering our goals and agendas to keep our brave men and women safe is invaluable.” – Erik Secrest, Union President, Woodlands Texas Read More
“Just when things were getting down to the wire and we thought we had done all that we could, Nile from Fire and EMS fund called us and took us by surprise. We looked into the organization. It almost sounded too good to be true- a knowledgeable group with the same motivations to support our cause. The assets you brought were not just money but the knowledge and expertise to target voters. It was like mana from heaven.” – Brenda Lowe, Chairwoman of the Oceano 911 Committee. Read More
“You left no stone unturned and took it upon yourselves to help us,” “We enjoyed looking at the data elements you provided us… we are immensely grateful for your help and what you came in to do.” – Chris Spencer, President of North Collier Firefighters Association Read More
“I wish we were able to find you sooner, you helped us get so close. I know we wouldn’t have been able to close the gap without your help. With just a little more time we would’ve hit that sweet spot. We look forward to working with you again in the future. “ – Cpt. Sean McMahon, Five Cities Fire Authority
“Thank you again for coming to our aid. Being a sparse, rural (17 persons per square mile), 420 square mile county, with no emergency medical facilities within the county, EMS continues to be a lifeline for its residents. We remain resolved to continue to seek local, state and federal solutions to what we know is a national level EMS (and firefighter) problem.“ – Dennis L. Filler, Member, Tucker County Ambulance Authority BoardRead More
“Thank you to the Firefighters and EMS Fund for your donation, we really appreciate it. Your donation helped us put necessary resources back into our association to fund programs like providing smoke detectors and lock boxes. Your donation helped what we spent on the levy go back into the community. “ – Perry Joint Fire District - Citizens for Perry Fire
“Thank you for the generous donation of $5,000 to the Cloverdale Volunteer Fire Fighters Association from the Firefighters and EMS Fund. Your funding helped us with a direct mail campaign and local newspaper ad, which resulted in community members overwhelmingly voting in favor of the levy. We are excited to move forward with the additional capabilities this will provide to the District.“ – Members of the Cloverdale Volunteer Fire Fighters AssociationRead More