Unsafe Fire Houses Urgently Need Funding, The Government Can Help

Unsafe Fire Houses Urgently Need Funding - Firefighter and EMS Fund

Across our country Fire Departments face a funding squeeze which has left virtually every aspect of their operations underfunded. This includes everything from recruiting and hiring, to equipment, to the very buildings that our Firefighters are housed in.

In July of 2019, the NFPA released a report entitled, “Renovation Needs of the US Fire Service,” which outlines the infrastructure needs of our nation’s Fire Departments. The study looked at the condition of Fire Houses across the country. Specifically, the scope of the investigation covered five core concerns: Fire Stations Over 40 Years Old, Fire Stations without Exhaust Emission Control, Fire Stations without Backup Power, Fire Stations without Separate Facilities for Female Firefighters, and Fire Stations in Need of Mold Remediation…. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING

Read the full article here at firefighterssupportalliance.com.